Getting here

Access the Caen Memorial museum

Mémorial de Caen


Le Mémorial de Caen
Esplanade Général Eisenhower
CS 55026
14050 Caen Cedex 4


Coordinates: GPS 49°11’50.2″N – 0°23’02.3″W

By car: A13 highway from Paris (2 hours) or A84 from Rennes, exit 7 from the northern loop

By train: from Gare Saint-Lazare in Paris (2 hours), then take a taxi or tram A to the Saint-Pierre stop and then bus no. 2 in the direction of “Caen Mémorial”

By bus: from Caen city center -> line no. 2 in the direction of “Caen Mémorial” | from Caen train station -> circular line Ellipse 6a or 6b

Access for people with reduced mobility.

Visitor car parks

  • Free car park
  • Electric cars

A charging point for electric vehicles is available near the museum:
9 esplanade Brillaud de Laujardière, 14000 Caen

  • Bike park
  • Coach park

Caen Memorial Museum has a free coach park for 22 vehicles and a cleaning station.

Coming by camper van?

  • Camping-car Park area of Caen
    Rue des Roquemonts 14000 Caen

20 fee-paying spaces – Assistance and opening hours:  24/7/365.
Price: €13.70 per night and €5.50 access to service area.
After 2 nights, the price per night increases (€50/night from the 3rd night).
More information: HERE

  • Camping-car area Caen North
    14 av. du Maréchal Montgomery, 14000 Caen

Price: free
The site is closed from 9 p.m. to 8:45 a.m. 

Save time, purchase your tickets online now
Save time, purchase your tickets online now

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